Friday, October 30, 2009

Blog Break

Well, not on purpose. It's been a busy week!

Last Friday we celebrated my Papa Leo's 93rd Birthday! That's right, 93. He's doing very well for his age. He's healthy and lives on his own. He loves his family and really wanted a birthday party this year. So Mom made him a fantastic cake and he enjoyed that very much. As a gift, I rounded up his great-grandchildren and took a great picture, had it blown up and framed. I think he really liked it.

September 25th marked a very important anniversary for us as a family. It's the five year mark of the day we lost my cousin, Rayma, to a terrible accident. We love her, and miss her very much. The pain of that loss will never be behind us, and we honor and remember her memory as often as possible.

Also, this week, Jackson decided that he was ready for a haircut just like his Uncle Aaron. As you see he got his wish! He thought it was pretty cool!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Danny is 3 Months Old!

Danny, you are 3 months old!
What is life like right now?

*You are 100% Breastfed, and even refuse bottles mostly now
*You are up 1-2 times per night to eat, as of 13 weeks old
*You have a hard time staying asleep for naps, just like your Brother did
*You graduated to Size 2 Diapers
*You wear 3-6 or 6 Month clothes
*You are grabbing at toys, but can’t hold them yet
*You smile lots, you are a happy baby
*You coo and talk to your favorite people
*You are cackling/giggling at times now, especially when you get your clothes changed
*You are starting to drool already

Comparison of 1 month, 2 months, 3 Months

Every day with Danny is a gift!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Teddy Bears Everywhere

Jackson is feeling much better today. Even yesterday he was back to running around the house, terrorizing his brother and playing his games. So we are glad to see that. It's hard seeing your kids sick. :(

I love, love, love this outfit that my cousin Jody got for Danny! It has so many adorable details. The bear face hat, the bear socks, the suede patches on the knees. OH SO PRECIOUS.

Danny says, "Thank you for making me look so cute, Aunt Jody!"


We received word this morning that Karl's Aunt Marylou passed suddenly.

Aunt Marylou is Karl's Dad's sister, and a dear Aunt to Karl. I didn't know her very well, but I know she was a kind and happy woman, she was crafty and loved her family. She welcomed me to the family with open arms 5 years ago. I know she is leaving behind Uncle Doug who must be devestated. I know she is leaving behind adult children and several grandchildren. I know she is leaving nieces and nephews. There are hurts with this loss, so please keep our family in your prayers as we walk through this time.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

'Tis the Season

Yesterday, I said I loved everything about fall. I guess I was wrong. I do despise the fact that it's cold and flu season. I hate worrying about which bug is just around the corner.

On the heels of my niece, Chasely, being hospitalized for 4 days with a terrible virus, Karl got a version of the seasonal flu. Danny started having pretty watery stools the last few days, and today Jackson woke up from his nap with a fever, saying his head hurts, and was couchbound all evening. That is so the opposite of him, so I know he's feeling badly.
And of course, now I feel like a deer in headlights, being that I'm the only healthy one left standing.
So, let's pray for quick recoveries, and good health in this scary season of illness.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cider Mill Saturday

I just love everything about fall--the colors, the spicy smells, the cider, the crunch of leaves on the lawn.

There is nothing more fun in the fall in Michigan, than visiting the Cider Mill/Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Patch with the family. We did that today, and man, was it cold, cold, cold!!! It was high 40's and windy. Jackson went to bed with a nice wind burn on his cheeks.

Jackson and his cousin Chloe cozy up to a pumpkin while waiting in line at the Cider Mill:

Ohh Donkeys!!!
Poor Danny wasn't enjoying the crisp weather too much. He was honestly probably more uncomfortable just from being so bundled!

Jackson enjoyed a donut and shot glass of cider with Ni-Ni.

It was fun but it's always tiring to take out both kids on an adventure. I know we'll all sleep well tonight!

Friday, October 16, 2009

First Post

Hello Family and Friends!

I decided to start a blog mainly for myself, as journal of sorts, and as documentation of my family and children's lives. I love my children endlessly. I love talking about them, and photographing them. So blogging is a natural step in showcasing what we do, how I feel, where we go, and what it looks like.

My main hope is that this will be something fun and exciting for my boys to look back on one day as a virtual scrapbook.

And now, an introduction of the Miller Family:

This is Daniel Aaron. He was born July 21st, 2009. He's nearly 3 months old. He's my joy in every way. He's my precious little innocent, non talking angel. :) I stress the importance of non talking, as my 3 year old doesn't have an off button. He talks, asks questions, and gives his approval or disapproval every step of the way. Somewhere along the way, I witnessed my first baby grow faster than babies should. He was born and now he's 3. So this time around, I'm not taking advantage of one moment, not one. I'm enjoying every coo, every smile, every snuggle, every nursing session. And Danny is growing too fast as well. I can't believe it was almost 3 months ago that he graced us with his presence. It's a privilage to watch him grow each day.

This is Jackson Charles. He was born on September 13th, 2006. He is a boisterous, fun loving toddler. He loves Toy Story, his cousin Chloe, playing Wii, books, running anywhere and everywhere, and jumping off anything and everything. He is a happy child with some new challenges like fears, a new brother, learning how to go potty, and preschool. He challenges US day to day on many things, big and small. He has a strong opinion on everything. He loves his parents and brother a lot. I know that if I can channel his personality correctly, he is going to be an amazing young man and adult. But he has me asking for God's grace and mercy each day right now. :)

And this is the guy I made those other two little guys with. He's my man, my rock, my love. Karl and I were married almost 5 years ago, and he's my match in every way. He puts up with a lot of stuff no other guy would. I love him for his heart, his wit, his generosity, his talent, and his amazing ability to accept me no matter what shape, condition, or place I'm in.

That's us!

Now it's time to go live, learn and share.